Collection of photographic art works
"My hope is to be able to capture the unique face of a soul, made up of dark and light features, of black and white. Where the light of good, however, manages to prevail, to emerge, to reconstruct from every darkness. It is in the twilight, in the afternoon hours, at home, in the deserted alleys dotted with chiaroscuro, that authentic natural light shows itself, revealing the aspect that I love and consider best of a soul, the work of art created and loved most by God Because: before the photographed image comes the story of a person, which gives a name to the portrait of his exclusive spirit." Photographer specialized in Fine Art Portraits, Newborn Portraits, Maternity, Family. The works are part of the NFT art market. NFTs are certified in code format: they certify the ownership of the work and its authenticity, and are called Not Funtable Tokens. This means that each NFT code is unique and cannot be replaced, modified or reassigned. It is the author's signature of authenticity. Art NFTs are digital works of art that are authenticated and represented as NFTs on the blockchain, allowing artists to demonstrate ownership and authenticity of their creations. Buyers can own the NFT Art as proof of ownership and display it digitally or display it for collecting purposes.

"Vorrei riabbracciarti"
Sfoglia e leggi l'album fotografico gratuito online: online: Vorrei riabbracciarti

Vinci il male con il bene
Browse and read the free photo album online: online: Vinci il male con il bene

La bellezza è dentro le piccole cose
Browse and read the free photo album online: La bellezza è dentro le piccole cose

Costruire la propria casa sulla roccia
Browse and read the free photo album online: Costrire la propria casa sulla roccia

Donarsi l'uno all'altro
Browse and read the free photo album online: online: Donarsi l'uno all'altro

Chi lavora con le sue mani, la sua testa e il suo cuore, è un'artista
Browse and read the free photo album online: Chi lavora con le sue mani, la sua testa e il suo cuore, è un'artista

Serie attimi di una grande storia che è: la tua vita
Browse and read the free photo album online: Serie di attimi di una grande storia che è: la tua vita

Rievocazione storica di Avallanche
Browse and read the free photo album online: Rievocazione storica di Avalanche

Borghi della Campania prima parte
Browse and read the free photo album online: Borghi della Campania prima parte

Maternità e bambini
Browse and read the free photo album online: Maternità e bambini

Serie attimi di una grande storia che è: la tua vita
Browse and read the free photo album online: Borghi della Campania seconda parte

Awards and studies in photography
Browse and read the free photo album online: Awards and studies in photography

Prendete la vostra vita e fatene un capolavoro
Browse and read the free photo album online: Prendete la vostra vita e fatene un capolavoro